Preliminary List of Microsymposia
Focus Area 1 (SIG 1)
- SAXS in structural biology
- Development of new types of sample preparation (both XFEL & synchrotrons)
- Data collection and processing software (XFELS & synchrotrons)
- New developments in phasing and refinement
- Structural information in drug design
- Molecular machines and big complexes
- Protein & glycobiology structure determination
- Membranes and membrane interacting proteins
- Enzyme reactions and dynamics in crystals
- H-bonding & weak interactions in crystals: neutrons and X-rays
- Hybrid approaches and validation (X-ray and electron microscopy)
- Biophysical characterization and crystallization
- Hot structures in biology
Focus Area 2 (SIG 5, 11, 12)
- Biomineralogical crystallography and bioinspired inorganic materials
- Minerals and materials
- Structure-property relationships in high pressure crystallography
- Crystal chemistry of C-bearing materials and minerals at extreme conditions
- Structural studies of meteoritic, extra-terrestrial, and planetary materials
- Solid state oxygen fuel cell, hydrogen storage & battery materials
- Materials for energy conversion and harvesting
- Structural disorder and materials’ properties at ambient and non-ambient conditions
Focus Area 3 (SIG 2, 3, 4)
- Beyond multipolar refinement
- Charge and spin density of materials at extreme conditions
- Inorganic and metal-organic magnetic structures
- Quasicrystal and approximant: structure and properties
- Incommensurate modulated and composite phases
- Dynamical refinement of electron diffraction data
- New approaches in electron crystallography
Focus Area 4 (SIG 7, 13)
- Molecular interactions in crystal packing and molecular assemblies
- Hydrogen bonding from theory to applications
- Crystal energy landscapes: computation and uses
- Polymorphs, cocrystals, solvates, salts: a jungle for scientists and industries
- Hot structures of small molecules
- Molecular recognition, supramolecular chemistry and crystal engineering
- Simulation of dynamics in molecular compounds
- Crystallography in solid state reactions and catalysis
- Molecular compounds and MOFs at ambient conditions and under high pressure
- Nanomaterials & graphene
Focus Area 5 (SIG 6, 8, 9)
- X-Ray diffraction on the µs to ps time scale
- New detectors for high energy x-ray applications
- The use of X-ray, electron and neutron scattering in nanoscience
- Advances in neutron scattering under non-ambient conditions
- Combining x-ray diffraction and other techniques for in situ and operando studies
- Total scattering: pdf analysis and diffuse scattering in X-Ray, neutron and electron diffraction
- Measuring data quality
- Computational tools for theoretical chemistry in crystallography
General Microsymposia
- Teaching & Education
- Crystallography in art and cultural heritage
- How to…: crystallization for small and large molecules
- History of ECA, history of crystallography: contributions to and of crystallography